
is a scenic commentary on the text L’aperto, l’uomo e l’animale by Giorgio Agamben. The dramaturgy of the play refers to the text as glossa or counterpoint, it is therefore open and not conceptual stone, but autonomous and living. It works on an extended sensoriality exploiting the possibilities of image and sound – electronic pulsations in an idea of theatre that leaves the word behind and enters the territories of trance. The body and dance are central points of the investigation

The performer executes a vocabulary of signs and movements, comparing and ‘directing’ a larger device. The music is based on granular synthesis and pure electronic sound: Agamben’s voice reading parts of the book has been recorded, sampled and processed in such a way as to bring it closer – in the concreteness of the sound – to the voices of the animals he evoked in the text. Part of the images – including original drawings by Oreste Zevola – are created live using software that allows you to capture images from the stage to modify them in real time and re-project them on a large format in a scene made up of multiple projection surfaces.


“I was interested in this book [G. Agamben’s L’aperto] about perception: animals see the world or portions of it each in a different way, the fly, the other insects. As Uexküll explains, they do not realize that the other beings are there, they are in a relationship of indifference to others, they do not grasp their presences, they live in their own worlds. I didn’t even try, however, to explain these passages: I only tried to create partially analogous perceptual states by superimposing different levels of vision and sound. This show is a commentary, I repeat: we try to evoke, with physical, electronic and digital means located in spatial devices, a multiple perceptual state».
L’Unità, March 31, 2005


a play by
Roberto Paci Dalò

Scenic commentary on
L’aperto di Giorgio Agamben

Direction, music, video and lighting design
Roberto Paci Dalò

Anna-Liisa Lepasepp

Stage design
Edoardo Sanchi

Live video mixing
Filippo Giunchedi

Recorded and processed voice
Giorgio Agamben

Lights mixer
Lora Casadei

Software live video
Tom Demeyer / STEIM Amsterdam

Oreste Zevola

Dramaturgical collaboration
Nicoletta Fabbri

Assistant director
Lora Casadei

Giardini Pensili
2.Tants Tallinn
Musiques Nouvelles Mons
Commune d’Ixelles
Transcultures Bruxelles

In collaboration with
Teatro Petrella Longiano
GMEM Marseille
STEIM Amsterdam
Maison du Spectacle la Bellone Bruxelles
[ ] Vienna
Astragali Lecce

Supported by
Regione Emilia-Romagna
Provincia di Rimini
Comunità Europea / Cultura 2000

Thanks to: Anna-Liisa Lepasepp, Azzurra Migani, Tania Arias Winogradow, Alessandra Ripa, Pierpaolo Paolizzi, Sandro Pascucci, Philippe Franck, Jean-Paul Dessy, Jaromil, Priit Raud, Marcello Sambati

Athina, October 3-7, 2002 –
Anna-Liisa Lepasepp

Brussels, November 24-25, 2002 –
Tania Arias Winogradow

Lecce, January 25, 2003 –
Azzurra Migani

Theatre Argo, Athens