Douala Flow is a sound-video installation by Roberto Paci Dalò based Douala’s maps, voices and sounds from radio stations in Douala. The work celebrates today’s living city through an immersion into Douala’s present life. Soundwise are used brodcastings from Douala’s radio stations in order to create an aural environment made out of today’s sounds processed and recomposed. The video is made out of dynamic maps created through data analysis related to particle systems and cloud points.
The project draws inspiration from a scientific investigation on Douala by Marta Pucciarelli, produced within the broader research project “Mobile Access to Knowledge, Culture and Safety in Africa. It’s documents and shows the impact of “Cultural Events and Public Art on safety and security”, a project led by SUPSI, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera Italiana. This project is called Making Doula 2007-2017 , a travelling exhibition that highlights the discrepancy between oral knowledge and knowledge as reflected in the digital realm is evolving over time.