Ductus is a site-specifc artwork born on the occasion of the new refurbishment of Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria. A chronological map, realized in watercolor graphite and Indian ink, that remedies, through images, symbols and words, some watersheds of history and art in Umbria.

Press kit

The artwork Ductus has been realized directly on the right wall of a room inside the Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria at Palazzo dei Priori in Perugia.
The room derives from a loggia built by Galeazzo Alessi during the expansion and the renovation of the building he conducted in the mid-sixteenth century.
Ductus tries to offer suggestions and elements for reflection and formal remodulations, capable of activating intuitive mechanisms of knowledge to understand the link between political-religious facts and artistic movement of the late Middle Ages.
A bird’s eye view that nevertheless penetrates the detail and returns with an organic and coherent vision, in a sort of non-didactic timeline – which takes on the sinuous shape of the Tiber river – in which Perugino, Capitini, Paolo III, Burri and many other artists and works find their own place.

Roberto Paci Dalò at work

Photo by Marco Giugliarelli

June 30th

New opening of GNU – National Gallery of Umbria

Photo by Marco Giugliarelli

The wall

Photo by Marco Giugliarelli