La natura ama nascondersi is a simultaneous performance at the ORF-Kunstradio Symposium Geometry of Silence, the Palais Liechtenstein in Vienna and the Ferdinandeum in Innsbruck. Through an audio and video radio link, the two places are interfaced live.
Preceded by presentations in Alicante, Barcelona and Washington D.C., the performance is based on the work of musicologist Prof. Walter Dalowitz from the correspondence between Mozart, Stadler and other friends in Hungary between 1791 and 1832. The artists present to their listeners the sound creations of Wolfgang A. Mozart, who evolves to become the creator of acoustic architecture. Texts and music, tuned to the story of the escape from Vienna, form the framework of the project, making the transformations of the master, his art and the world around him after his fictitious death audible and comprehensible.