Scanning Bacchae is a performance being stage in the ambiance of Linz, and the city itself provides the infrastructure for the dramaturgy. At times, Architettura della separazione – an interactive sound and light installation in the Linz shipyard – becomes the digital set of the performance. Both of these circumstances can be experienced by the audience in completely different ways.
The text which serves as the source of inspiration and point of orientation for Scanning Bacchae is Euripides’ The Bacchae. The original, contemporary text follows the traces of a tragedy which is based upon the pressing need for identity – whether it be individual, national or territorial. The work provides a glimpse of a ritual which is neither purely private nor totally collective, but rather micro-communal – the ritual of a geometry of feelings, of liberation, of ecstasy and hysteria, of forgetting. Force field, battle field, playing field, ritual of the body and glorification of one’s own psychic and physical mechanism. Both text and ‘corpografie’ are performed by the same interpreter.