Roberto Paci Dalò presents Time Line, a retrospective exhibition in the spaces of Marsèlleria, in Milan. In Time Line, drawings, sounds, sculptures and videos are set up to create a “total” work.
The exhibition is enriched by some unpublished works by the artist.
Time Line is closely related to the medium of the radio. The spaces of Marsèlleria are connected to each other to create a single large radio environment.
In Time Line, the artist’s works are located along spatial and temporal, visual and acoustic lines.
Time Line looks like a radio field. Roberto Paci Dalò creates a micro radio station within the exhibition that transmits in frequency modulation (FM) an audio work based on the voice of John Cage, to whom the project is dedicated. Some small radio receivers are placed in various points of the exhibition space, so as to allow visitors an intimate but distributed listening.
Marsèlleria spaces are inhabited by John Cage’s voice, in addition to the artist’s works.
For the first time, John Cage’s Mesostic for Paci Dalò is shown in the exhibition.