TRANCE BAKXAI is a theatrical rave, the celebration of a collective ritual – persistence of the sacred in everyday life as a discipline to mystery – between sound and living image. The duration is about seven hours, between darkness and first light, the iconography is that of the rave – within the multiples not as faithful reflections, but multiplications by variation of meaning.

The guiding text is Euripides’ Bacchae, a significant trace of sound. Then we build the accesses to the various levels of sense and sensoriality: through the study of sound frequencies lower or higher than the audible frequencies, to increase the perceptual spectrum. Through the study of pulsation, speed and slowness. We build rhythmic structures for postures, collective movements: performers work on physical modules that used through repetition are choral moments. The live voice – which constructs a contemporary tragic text – alternates with fragments sampled from the Euripid text, like mantras, vocal cells. Live music is combined.


Trip-hop music, drum ‘n’ bass and new electronics. Samplers and analog instruments such as the clarinet played in a Hasidic style – reminiscent of the sound of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Medium time that allows the sound of the voice. Diffusion through an eight-channel audio system.
The images that constitute the visual material are mixed live and come from pre-recorded materials on tape, from live cameras positioned in the hall during the performance; it is the Image/ine software created by Tom Demeyer that allows the interactive management. Digital technologies then allow a further interface – in a dramaturgical key it becomes the interface between the subject-actor and its psychic activity, its memory. Trance bakxai is a research action, on different states of consciousness. The bakxai band is formed by Sam Auinger, Rupert Huber, Roberto Paci Dalò, Hannes Strobl.


from Euripides’ Bacchae

Isabella Bordoni
Rupert Huber
Roberto Paci Dalò

Isabella Bordoni

Artistic collaboration
Marold Langer-Philippsen

Rupert Huber / Roberto Paci Dalò

Oreste Zevola

Lucia Falzari
Nicola Matteini
Floriana Paci
Matteo Pasini
Andrea Reali
Cristiano Valenti

Piero Delucca

Production manager
Vilco Guermandi

Press office 
Monica Colosimo

Giardini Pensili 1997

In collaboration with 
Minimo Storico
Riccione TTVV
365 ambient room
Scuola J. Bleger
Sinistra Giovanile Rimini
Ufficio Attività Sociali
e Culturali RSM
Teatro Petrella Longiano

Riccione TTVV
saturday, may 24th 1997
from midnight to dawn

Ex casa di vacanza Reggio Emilia
litoranea Rimini – Riccione
bus stop 37